Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Regulatory Committee
Thursday, 16th August, 2018 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Regulatory Committee, Thursday, 16th August, 2018 10.00 am (Item 43.)

To consider a report by the Head of Highways.


Following the advertising of proposed changes to parking restrictions in various roads in Blandford, the Committee considered a report by the Head of Highways on the receipt of an objection to the proposals for no waiting at any time restrictions on Dorchester Hill and New Road and for no waiting between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm restrictions on Dorchester Hill.


The Committee was now being asked to consider the objection received and whether the proposals should be implemented as advertised.


With the aid of a visual presentation, officers explained the reasoning behind the need to impose the waiting restrictions and the basis of the objections received. Photographs and plans were shown to the Committee by way of illustration. This showed where the proposals would be situated, the character, configuration and topography of the roads and their setting within the townscape. It also showed the relationship between the roads and residential properties.


The Committee noted that the proposals were designed to provide for unimpeded access around the junction of New Road and into Dorchester Hill which had not always been able to be the case owing to parked vehicles along that length. Larger vehicles had particularly been affected by such parking.


The proposals had been supported by the County Council member for Winterborne;  North Dorset District Council Blandford Town Council, Bryanston Parish Council and Dorset Police.


Following the proposals being advertised, the objection received raised concerns that the proposals would have the effect of increasing the speed of traffic over that length. However officers considered that the proposals were, on balance, the best achievable in meeting competing needs and addressed the issues being experienced.


Members were provided with the opportunity to ask questions of the officer’s presentation and took this opportunity to have their understanding of what the proposals entailed clarified. One member asked if more stringent waiting restrictions could be applied to ensure disabled parking did not compromise the effectiveness of the proposals. Officers responded that they considered the current proposal sufficient to deal with the current issues and that further measures could be considered in the future if the problems persist after the Order came into force.


Having considered the objection received, the Committee considered that the proposed waiting restrictions were necessary to address the issues being experienced and were both reasonable and proportionate in achieving this. Given this, and taking into account the support of the local county councillor and other primary consultees, on being put to the vote, the Committee considered that the proposals should be implemented as advertised.



That having considered the objection received, the Cabinet be recommended to approve the proposed waiting restrictions on Dorchester Hill and New Road as originally advertised.


Reason for Recommendation

Dorchester Hill and New Road, Blandford have a tight bend which was frequently obstructed by parked cars. The proposals would improve the movement of larger vehicles that uses the road regularly and improve visibility for pedestrians and all vehicles.


The proposals would contribute to the Corporate Policy outcomes enabling people to be safe and prosperous.



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